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Casualine Replacement Cushions

These curved-top replacement cushions offer a stylish alternative to the traditional square top look. The tops are slightly rounded from side-to-side to remove some of the rectangular look of pipe furniture and give it more appeal. The cushions are filled with 3" of foam wrapped in a soft poly filled blanket to improve the softness and shape. These patio cushions can also be used on most other PVC pipe patio furniture frames of the same sizes. They have a plastic tab to hook them to screws on the chair frame, and a knife edge finish.

Base Prices include vinyl B-Fabrics

Dinette & Bar Chair Cushion

Dinette Cushion

Dimensions: 20"W x 39"L (19½" / 19½")

Item: DINC

Base Price: $

Club, Glider, Loveseat & Sofa Cushion

Club Cushion

Dimensions: 23" W x 44½"L (22¼" / 22¼")

Item#: CLUC

Base Price: $

Chaise Cushion

Chaise Cushion

Dimensions: 23"W x 73½"L (47½" / 26½")

Item#: CHAC

Base Price: $

Recliner Cushion

Recliner Cushion

Dimensions: 23"W x 49"L (22½" / 26½")

Item#: RECC

Base Price: $

Ottoman Cushion

Ottoman Cushion

Dimensions: 19"W x 23"L

Item#: OTTC

Base Price: $

Condo Cushion

Condo Cushion

Cushion and Sling are sewn together

Dimensions: 20"W x 39"L (19½" / 19½")

Item#: CONC

Base Price: $